Training: Advisors and Facilitators

Peer Advocacy Connection provides regular trainings for advisors and facilitators.

Advisors are our contractors who work with self-advocacy and People First groups in our region.  Advisor function: to provide training, support and facilitate group process of each chapter or group without taking over. Advisors need to be impartial, respect group decisions and provide assistance as needed.  Those interested in becomming an advisor or driver or both please contact Supported Life Institute


Facilitators are our employees, who work with Alta California Regional Center board and committee members, who have developmental disabilities. It is the aim of Peer Advocacy Connection to train our facilitators to the highest standards of  professionalism, impartiality and confidentiality.  It is the goal of facilitation to help all board and committee members with developmental disabilities to function in a most inclusive, effective and fulfilling way, meeting the needs of the regional center.  PAC is committed to facilitate the inclusion of alta clients in the decision-making process of the highest policy setting bodies of ACRC. 

Scheduled facilitator trainings:

To be announced, if interested in becomming a facilitator please contact Supported Life Institute


The Supported Life Institute
2025 Hurley Way # 105
Sacramento, CA 95825